Well, we all know what the point of this page is. It has the romantic moments between Ranma and Akane.
But after watching my Ranma tapes a bunch of times (it's scary, I know the entire "Ranma and Juliet" episode by heart) Ranma and Akane prove they love each other to other people all the time.
So, I've included those moments as well.

These moments are from the first ten episodes of the first season of the anime,
I should finish up the first season and move on to the second soon.

Season 1

"Here's Ranma": Looks like Soun's friend's son is not what they expected. It appears that Ranma's a girl. So now everyone's picking on him and making him feel bad. Akane sees this and tries to make him feel better.
Akane:"I'm Akane, you wanna be friends?"

"School is no Place for Horsing Around": There's no way Ranma Saotome is going to marry his beloved Akane Tendo, so upperclassman Kuno challenges Ranma to a fight. Ranma jumps out of a second story window, followed by Kuno, into a pool. Akane looks out into the pool with a worried look on her face.

"A Sudden Storm of Love": Akane goes to get Ranma some hot water after his dunk in the pool and offers to stall Kuno while he changes back to a guy.

Ranma's in his room thinking about what Akane did for him and says,
Ranma:"I guess I should go thank her."

It's the next day of school and Ranma knows that Akane will have to fight all those guys,
Ranma:"You want me to help you with those guys today, Akane?"

Akane's a little mad and Ranma has this comment,
Ranma:"When you're cranky you don't look that cute you know!?"

Nabiki hands Ranma a letter from Kuno. Everyone thinks it's a challenge letter for the pig-tailed girl. And knowing Kuno, Akane's worried about Ranma,
Nabiki:"Kuno's out for blood ya know?
Akane:"Maybe it's best if you didn't go."

"Love me to the Bone, the Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart": Ranma's legs go out, thanks to Dr.Tofu, and Akane gives Ranma a piggy back ride.

"Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen you Know": Dr. Tofu loves Kasumi, so Akane is heartbroken. She leaves his office, depressed, and Ranma goes after her.
Akane:"Surely you don't expect me to believe you're here to cheer me up?"
 Ranma:"Well, what's the big deal, why shouldn't you believe it?"

So, Ranma makes Akane feel a little better and she offers to treat him to lunch.
Akane:"Let's go and get some food."
Ranma:"You really are acting different today Akane."
Akane(smiling):"If you lend me some money it'll be my treat, Ranma."

So things didn't turn out the way they were suppose to while Ranma and Akane were eating. But even so Ranma still goes to confort his fiancee.
Ranma:"Akane, don't you ever get tired of getting angry all the time?"
Akane:"I like being angry!"
Ranma:"Well that's too bad."
Akane:"Why is that!"
Ranma:"'Cause you're really cute when you smile."

Akane thinks about the incident and practices smiling in her room.

"School is a Battlefield! Ranma vs. Ryoga": Ranma saves Akane from Ryoga's bandanas and carries her to a safe place. They hold each other longer than they expected to.

"True Confessions: A Girls Hair is her Life": Ranma feels really bad because Akane's hair got chopped off. He goes to look for her and apologizes. He also offers to give her a piggy back ride to Dr.Tofu's for her sprained knee.

Dr.Tofu thinks Akane's new hair cut is cute. And Akane lets all her emotions out. Ranma sees Akane crying in Dr.Tofu arms, so on they're way home, Ranma assumes that Akane is now more in love with Dr.Tofu than ever.
Akane:"What is it? What's wrong?"
Ranma:"He said cute, that's what he said, I heard him. I'm happy for you."
Akane:"Oh who cares it's over. It's okay though, I think I'm finally over him."

While they're both on their way home from Dr.Tofu's, Ranma just had to say it,
Ranma:"I wanted to tell you your hair really does look cute."
Ranma:"I like you better in short hair."

So, Akane has this to say,
Akane:"Ranma, thank you."
Ranma:"Can it be, she really is cute?"

"P-P-P- Chan! He's good for nothin'": Ryoga turns into a pig and Akane doesn't know so she keeps him as a pet. But Ranma does know and is determined to get Ryoga out of Akane's room. Ranma sneaks in her room and chases Ryoga. While doing so he trips on a dumbell and lands on a sleeping Akane. The two gaze into each others eyes for a moment.

Ryoga is completely in love with Akane. But there's some thing standing in their way, Ranma.
Ryoga:"Some how she find it in her heart to love me."
Ranma:"You're nuts, she don't love you!"
Ryoga:"Yes she does!"
Ranma:"Wishing don't make it true ya know!"
 Ryoga:"So that's it, you're in love with her too!"

More to come!

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